John Dalesandro

Custom Field Embedder Plugin for WordPress


The Custom Field Embedder plugin for WordPress provides the capability to embed custom field values into pages and posts through a simple shortcode. It is a lightweight plugin that does not require any configuration, settings, scripts, or external resources to function. Any value supplied in a custom field is embedded in the page or post including text, HTML, JavaScript, etc.

Simply add the shortcode [custom_field_embedder] with the attribute CUSTOM FIELD NAME to a new or existing page or post. Replace CUSTOM FIELD NAME with the actual name of a custom field associated with the page or post and the value of that custom field is embedded at that position in the page or post.


Step 1: Create a Custom Field

The custom field EXAMPLE CUSTOM FIELD is added to a post with the value “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Custom Field Embedder: Create Custom Field
Create a custom field within a page or post and assign a value to display using the shortcode.

Step 2: Add the Custom Field Embedder Shortcode to a Post

The [custom_field_embedder] shortcode is added to the post with the attribute custom_field_name set to EXAMPLE CUSTOM FIELD.

Custom Field Embedder: Add Shortcode to Post
Add the shortcode to the page or post to display the assigned value for the specified custom code.


When the post is viewed, the shortcode is replaced with the value from the supplied custom field. In this instance, we see the text “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Custom Field Embedder: Result
The custom code value is displayed when the page or post is viewed.


Custom Field Embedder Plugin for WordPress