John Dalesandro

Wordle Solver

Wordle Solver attempts to identify possible solutions by searching a list of known 5-letter words. Wordle Solver may include or exclude possible solutions due to the searched word list. Results may include offensive or inappropriate 5-letter words.


Using the input fields and letter buttons below:

  1. Enter known valid and correctly placed letters, i.e., green letters.
  2. Tap known valid letters that are not yet correctly placed, i.e., yellow letters. The letter background turns yellow.
  3. Double tap known invalid letters that are not included in the word in any location, i.e., dark gray letters. The letter background turns dark gray.
  4. Tap the checkmark button and possible solutions are displayed below.

Wordle Solver is not affiliated with The New York Times or Wordle.

Enter known valid and correctly placed letters (green letters).

Tap known valid letters that are not yet correctly placed (yellow letters). Double tap known invalid letters (dark gray letters).