Quartiles Solver
Generate possible solutions to the Apple News+ Quartiles game by comparing all 1- to 4-tile combinations against a large word list.
I write code.
In many languages.
Across multiple platforms.
To solve problems.
For fun.
Generate possible solutions to the Apple News+ Quartiles game by comparing all 1- to 4-tile combinations against a large word list.
Find possible solutions to The New York Times Wordle game by searching a list of known 5-letter words.
WordPress plugin to block comment spam, trackback spam, and pingback spam through intelligent analytics instead of interactive challenge response tests.
Customizable WordPress plugin to selectively remove WordPress version information, feeds, shortlinks, xmlrpc, emoji support and other miscellaneous extras from the HEAD element.
WordPress contact form plugin requiring only basic data entry (message subject, message content, from name, and return e-mail address) to send a brief message to the blog administrator's e-mail address.
WordPress plugin to embed custom field values into pages and posts through a simple shortcode.
Astro component adding relative navigation links to the previous and next blog post entries in a collection.
Custom VBA automation to extract information from structured e-mails in Outlook into Excel worksheet using both text-based and HTML table-based methods.
Custom Excel VBA function to retrieve field values from an Outlook address book entry. Searches both local contacts and Exchange address books.
Astro pagination capability using collections and dynamic routes with a rest parameter. Resolves type issues and generates post listings with page navigation.
Querying REST APIs secured by both Basic Authentication and API tokens, using Power Query. Anonymous instead of Basic authentication is used for the data source.